South African Transactional Analysis Association & FAMSA (WC) presents
Three Workshops on Trauma
Joanna Beazley Richards & John Baxendale, Trauma Specialists from the UK
Oct 30th2015 Trauma and Recovery – a TA approach: This workshop will introduce participants to the psychology of shock and trauma, the clinical difficulties that arise and the nature of effective treatment. Focus will be on the characteristics and stages of treatment; the “don’ts” as well as the “do’s”. Prior knowledge of TA not required. Details at
Oct 31st 2015 Severe and Complex Trauma: This workshop will examine severe and complex trauma, including the neurological underpinnings, the nature of dissociation and the possible misdiagnosis of borderline in such cases. The Wealden Four Step Trauma Treatment programme will be introduced and skills developed to use it. Details at:
Nov 1st 2015 Understanding and Treating Trauma in Children: This workshop will introduce participants to the particular ways that children may be traumatised and helped to recover from trauma. The range of experiences which may cause children to be traumatised, including types of abuse and their effects will be explored.In addition to exploring the nature and and origins of trauma responses, we shall look at the neurological underpinnings, and how to treat traumatised children at different ages. Details at:
Joanna Beazley Richards, MSc. is a Chartered Psychologist, a registered Clinical Psychologist, a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst and an Accredited EMDR practitioner. She is the principal of the Wealden Psychology Institute, UK, which she founded in 1986. She has had a psychotherapy practice for more than thirty years and is an experienced Trauma specialist.
John Baxendale, MSc. is a Provisional Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst and accredited EMDR practitioner. He is a director of the Wealden Psychology Institute, teaches TA and has a private psychotherapy practice.
Venue: FAMSA offices 9 Bowden Road, Observatory, Cape Town
Cost per workshop: R 1,200 (early bird before 15 June 2015: R 1,000)
Packages: 2 workshops: R 2,000 (early bird R 1,800)
3 workshops: R 3,000 (early bird R 2,800)
(Reduced rates for NGOs, students and members of SATAA, on application)
To Register: Contact Diane Salters at [email protected] or 021 786 1910