9th to the 12th April (Face-to-face in Cape Town)
Course cost: R13800 including VAT.
Course introduction
This course is designed to introduce participants to the field of depth facilitation providing a framework for understanding the role, metaskills, skills and tasks of a depth facilitator in organisational settings. It offers a framework for understanding individual and group behaviour from the perspectives offered by the range of theoretical schools within the field of clinical psychology, particularly focusing on the difference between above-the-surface and below-the-surface origins of human behaviour. As such, it introduces the context and territory in which a facilitator operates. The participant is required to develop a solid and rigorous theoretical foundation from which to begin work as a facilitator. The participant is equipped with the basic skills required to run group processes, particularly concentrating on helping a group to achieve its agreed upon tasks.
Course outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the role of facilitation in organisational processes
- Identify the main theoretical perspectives out of which facilitation has emerged
- Understand the main tasks of a depth facilitator
- Ensure that groups achieve their objectives during meetings, workshops or other group sessions
- Understand and apply the differences between the roles of a facilitator, a leader, a chairperson and a participant
- Understand the basic frameworks underlying the various schools of clinical and organisational psychology and how to use variables of each to manage human behaviour
- Understand the main differences between individual and group behaviour
- Practise techniques for managing your own psychological responses to facilitation situations
- Begin to develop the metaskills required to facilitate effectively
- Develop your communication skills with a particular emphasis on the ability to listen and use appropriate verbal skills.
- Apply basic facilitation skills
- Use a range of facilitation aids
- Understand how to document a facilitated session
Course topics
The following topics will be covered on the course:
- What is depth facilitation?
- The role of the facilitator
- Definition of the facilitator
- Types of facilitation and worldviews
- Different methodologies
- The main facilitation tasks and activities of a depth facilitator
- Introduction to the schools of psychology and the development of a psychological framework
- The psychology of facilitation
- Inner work as a depth facilitator
- Mapping your own psyche
- Managing your own defences, complexes and inner critic
- The metaskills and ethics of a depth facilitator
- Communication skills of a depth facilitator
- Depth facilitation techniques
- Containment
- Managing boundaries and structure
- Setting and achieving agendas and objectives
- Managing participation
- Managing time